How to document calls to patients, etc

bdwderm wrote on Thursday, June 05, 2008:

How are you documenting a phone call or phone Rx? I’m not entirely clear as to the use of patient notes and patient transaction and don’t like that they are not easily seen inthe summary window. Any thoughts?

drbowen wrote on Thursday, June 05, 2008:

When a call comes in, a front desk clerk enters a note in "pnotes". 

They save the message using the name of the person in the drop down box.  For instance the call is for me. 

I click on the note type which takes me to the "pnotes" section.  I type in an "amendment" and assign the note back to the front desk clerk. 

She calls the patient with the response and assigns an "amendment" back to me stating:  "I notified the patient of your response and they expressed understanding." 

I then "authorize" which effectively makes it disappear as if it had been put back into the filing cabinet.

If you want to review the notes you click "more" in the pnotes section.

This works very effectively to pass asynchronous communication back and forth between the practitioners and the front desk allowing for quick turn around on telephone calls.

The "transactions" was originally intended to record / log outgoing records for HIPPA compliance.

My practice uses the patient notes for this.  To date I don’t think we have used the “transactions” section at all.

Sam Bowen, MD