How to add drug prescriptions to an encounter
Hi Bingi,
You can refer below attached link to know about add drug prescriptions to encounter
Medication List - OpenEMR Project Wiki
Hello @Bingi , welcome to the forum! I hope you’ll find this resource useful; many well- informed community members contribute their expertise here.
The OpenEMR wiki has many pages discussing OpenEMR’s native medication capabilities and the prescription module. However, you may find that many of them contain discussions by OpenEMR developers on technical aspects of the module. For example, the page ‘Medication List’ is about how the project leaders hope to make that module fulfill Meaningful Use; it is not about administering medications.
OpenEMR developers often use different names for the same activity, so it can be difficult to know which page to look at unless one knows what one is trying to do (in this case, administer medications) and reads the page to see if that is the workflow being described.
OpenEMR’s native medication administration capabilities are managed by the Prescription module, sometimes called the ‘Pharmacy- Dispensary module’. That module must be configured before prescriptions can be ordered for a patient.
Prescription module configuration is described here:
This page:
has a section half way down called ‘Templates’ which provides information and instruction that is necessary for the Inventory-Dispensary Module to function properly with both the pharmaceutical and non- pharmaceutical products. For some unknown reason this information is not found in the other documentation.
And this page pictures the mechanism of prescribing an Rx for a patient’s record, once the module has been configured.
Do come back to this forum if you have any other questions after reading the material.
Best- Harley