How does main_title get populated

anshulmittal wrote on Monday, June 04, 2012:

when i login to the system main_title.php is in some state. But when i select a patient it seems to get populated.For example

<span class=‘title_bar_top’ id=“past_encounter”><b><?php echo htmlspecialchars( xl(‘None’), ENT_QUOTES) ?></b></span>
<span class=“title_bar_top” id=“past_encounter”><select class=“text” id=“EncounterHistory” onchange="{top.restoreSession();toencounter(this.options.value)}"><option value="">Encounter History</option><option value=“New Encounter”>New Encounter</option><option value=“Past Encounter List”>Past Encounter List</option><option value=“4~2012-03-18”>2012-03-18-Established Patient</option></select></span>

How is it getting populated.This is the code for showing encounter history drop down

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, June 05, 2012:


See this thread:
