How do you view procedure results such as LDH levels graphically

lordkg91 wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:

How do you view procedure results such as LDH levels graphically?

fsgl wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:

See post.

cmswest wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:

in order to import track anything into your own codebase with git i believe you have to do the following:

first set up git and clone repository to your local computer, watch this easy to follow video

or install development version, link


  1. git fetch brady track-anything-and-lab-graphing_3
  2. git checkout track-anything-and-lab-graphing_3
  3. cp the local repository directory to the webserver openemr directory
    like cp -R git/openemr /var/www/.
  4. choose a different database name in setup so you don’t clobber one already installed
  5. register form track anything
  6. import sample data sql file attached through phpmyadmin, select database and then copy and paste into sql box and press go


blankev wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:

Is this all there is to it? No changes in the menu? No sql file to be imported so there might be some tables that need changes?

Please confirm… I have waited some time for this info.

fsgl wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:


The Layout Based Visit Form requires the least amount of work.

The Weekly Demo has one set up for Ann Boleyn for FBS values. The form will be there for a week. See attachments.

On the Supplementary Topics webpage is a listing under Forms for several articles how to configure the LBV Form.

Contributed Form #37 is for recording Lab Results. The webpage will give instructions how to install it. It is not clear if the results are graphable.

jcahn2 wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:

Ann Boleyn was diabetic ?? Guess it was the prednisone.

fsgl wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:

More anencephalic than hyperglycemic.

Henry was being extra kind to her by specially hiring a French swordsman for the occasion. Mary Stewart (Queen of Scots) required 3 attempts.

Don’t remember normal range for some of the lipid stuff. Easier to graph FBS.