lordkg91 wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:
How do you view procedure results such as LDH levels graphically?
lordkg91 wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:
How do you view procedure results such as LDH levels graphically?
fsgl wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:
See post.
cmswest wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:
in order to import track anything into your own codebase with git i believe you have to do the following:
first set up git and clone repository to your local computer, watch this easy to follow video
or install development version, link
blankev wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:
Is this all there is to it? No changes in the menu? No sql file to be imported so there might be some tables that need changes?
Please confirm… I have waited some time for this info.
fsgl wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:
The Layout Based Visit Form requires the least amount of work.
The Weekly Demo has one set up for Ann Boleyn for FBS values. The form will be there for a week. See attachments.
On the Supplementary Topics webpage is a listing under Forms for several articles how to configure the LBV Form.
Contributed Form #37 is for recording Lab Results. The webpage will give instructions how to install it. It is not clear if the results are graphable.
jcahn2 wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:
Ann Boleyn was diabetic ?? Guess it was the prednisone.
fsgl wrote on Friday, August 08, 2014:
More anencephalic than hyperglycemic.
Henry was being extra kind to her by specially hiring a French swordsman for the occasion. Mary Stewart (Queen of Scots) required 3 attempts.
Don’t remember normal range for some of the lipid stuff. Easier to graph FBS.