How do you change prescription practice name?

tekknogenius wrote on Monday, April 04, 2005:

Instead of it showing My Practice, how do you change it to show the practice name?

emilykillian wrote on Monday, April 04, 2005:

You should log in to OpenEMR as an administrative/authorized user. At the top of the page, click on Administration. Then about midway down the page that comes up, you’ll find the words Edit Facilities.

If there is nothing there to edit, look up the page and you’ll see the words New Facility Information. Fill in the information and click Add Facility.

If there is a facility listed beside New Facility Information, click on  Edit (which is located beside the facility name). Update your information and click on Update Info.

emilykillian wrote on Monday, April 04, 2005:

Actually, that doesn’t work. 

It should, but it doesn’t…

I’m not sure where OpenEMR is pulling the practice name from… I assumed it was from the practice settings, but apparently not.

I’ll keep looking…

tekknogenius wrote on Monday, April 04, 2005:

I’m looking too. I thought that was where it would/should happen, but it didn’t. So, I’m looking through the source to see where it is broken. If I find out before you I will post an answer.


tekknogenius wrote on Monday, April 04, 2005:

I found it. <webroot>/openemr/interface/pic/prescription_logo.png is the default "My Practice" that shows up on the prescription form when printed. One would need to either change that file (i.e., replace it) with your own .png graphic file or change the pointer in <webroot>/openemr/includes/config.php to another file.

I suppose a better solution would be to use the practice name and if a logo is there then use that or add a flag to the config.php file, but I guess it is easier to just have to worry about changing the logo. Albeit unclear, it does work.