How do appointment reminders work?

When would i see this image, when i go into the calendar i don’t see email, I have enabled allow email and the HIPAA option


You configured this:

1 -For Email Services the following info is needed:

  • Notification Email Address - Where will the message come from
  • Email Transport Method - Select: SMTP, SENDMAIL or built in PHPMAIL
  • SMTP Server Hostname - email outgoing server host/ip
  • SMTP Server Port Number
  • SMTP User for Authentication - outgoing server user
  • SMTP Password for Authentication - outgoing server password
  • SMTP Security Protocol - Most newer servers use TLS, but some may use SSL. Not recommended to use NONE except for testing or connecting inside a firewall to an intermediary MTA (Mail Transferring Agent).
  1. Login into openEMR and go in section Administration => Globals => Nofications.
    There you will find three new sections:
  • SMS notification - set provider name and the body of the sms message
  • e-Mail notification - set subject, provider name and the body of the email message.
  • Phone notification - set USER name, Passsword and URL
  1. Some useful Annonations:
***NAME*** - for entering the name of the patient automatically
***DATE*** - for entering the date of the appointment automatically
***STARTTIME*** - For entering the start time of the appointment
***ENDTIME*** - for the end time of the appointment
***PROVIDER*** - to state the provider automatically with whom the appointment is fixed
  1. In openEMR front end, under Patient/Client => summary (-page)=> Edit Demographics => Choices
    In this section you will find two options: 1. Allow E-mail and 2. Allow SMS.
    This is to be set as required if you want your patient to be notified about an upcoming appointment.

  2. On the server, where openemr is installed, you should run the following script (replaced by the last one I posted in this thread):

php /path_to_openemr/modules/sms_email_reminder/cron_email_notification.php

Does anyone offer paid assistance for this issue? I’m still not able to get it to work

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Please contact me.

I have applied all the settings mentioned in this topic but, although the sending of the appointment reminders is working, I am looking for a way to also send an email to the patient when the appointment is created.
For example: when scheduling an appointment, an email must be sent to the patient with the details of the scheduled appointment. Then, 24 hours before the start of the appointment, an email must be sent to the patient with the details of the appointment.

Is this setup possible?

Thank you all very much and especially Luis for sharing the solution for sending appointment reminders.