I am trying to use the Std API for Swagger for AWS Open EMR 7.0 Cloud express edition also how do I get the Authorization code for unlocking the the swagger.
Kindly assist with above.
I have tried couple of links for FHIR, but would like to explore and use the Standard API as I need the normal HL7 messages out from the Open EMR.
I could retrieve All the patients !!! both in Swagger and postman
1)Now my next target is to get the Auth token automated so I dont have to explicitly come each time to Swagger to get Bearer token and populate in my Postman.
2) Next would be connecting to Mirth Connect to fetch all the patient data.
So swagger is using standard OAuth protocol specifically the authorization_code grant. There are countless tutorials on the internet for doing an OAuth2 authentication using the authorization_grant. Our own documentation shows how to do this via CURL (which you should be able to translate to Postman).
I have been watching your video and this github faithfully but still struggling to get success. May be I can revisit with a fresh mind and retry the steps.
I get the below error when I do with Postman.
From postman when I do a click on get token after entering the admin2 credentials I get below url.
I have not configured this url at all in my set up, not sure from where does it pop and why this is the last step of Authorization via postman.
Look at your registration redirect_uri. Also make sure you have configured your FHIR base server address in the Globals/Config->Connectors configuration page.
I don’t think so the AWS Cloud Express gave me an option for installing a patch and I guess it is a complete whole working package unless I am wrong in that assumption.
I have turned it on, let me retry all steps and check the logs.