Horrible Menu Fonts

Just extracted the development codebase from github and loaded it in my server. The moment I logged in into my system, it showed huge horrible font size of the menu items only. is this purposefully done?? or its a bug???

GITHUB ISSUE LINK: Horrible Menu Fonts · Issue #1331 · openemr/openemr · GitHub

Can you please try by clearing the browser cache.


I have tried it in 2 different browsers…all same

Cleared the cache and cookies too…no use…font remains same @visolveemr

Left nav was recently updated to bootstrap. Not sure why themes grew fonts but will look

Thanks @sjpadgett

Here is PR. Just the one file, left_nav.php. Thanks for bringing this to my attention and let me know if still any issue.

Thanks @sjpadgett. i introduced your changes in my server and it works great. Thanks a lot. Tested across all browsers and its perfect. Needs to be in codebase.