Honour a facility specific X12 submitter ID

ytiddo wrote on Monday, October 19, 2009:

In our billing files generated for medicaid, we have to enter the submitter ID in the 1000A loop, on the NM1 line. Openemr currently uses the EIN in this field.

The two patches I just sent to the tracker cause openemr to allow you to enter a facility specific submitter ID on the facility managment page, as well as using this value in the 1000A loop.

I expect these to be as popular as my last patches, especially since just applying these to your OpenEMR install will cause the 1000A loop’s NM1 field’s last entry to be blank, as no-one has been filling in the facility specific Submitter Id field in the database.

Flame away. :slight_smile:

Justin Doiel

  • Free Software Developer