I am running 4.1. 0(9) on Windows 7 home. I encountered the error below when I try to save lifestyle in the history, I only selected radio buttons and wrote “Good” for sleep pattern and “Y” for seat-belt use. This patient is in the database since January 2009. This error doesn’t happen with every patient, just some of them. I have a test dummy patient that I used when I update software, life style is working fine. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Thank you Brady, I will try it and I will let you know. I need someone to help me with 5010 issue that I posted, and I am willing to pay for the fix. Thanks again.
Hi Mark,
For the 5010 issue; if no pros have offered to do this yet, then send me an email at brady@sparmy.com if you want me to rec some pros for this.
-brady OpenEMR