History and Surgeries

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2005:

The Patient History form has 9 "Date of Last" entries for various types of surgeries.

This list seems rather arbitrary, and also redundant and incomplete now that we have the ability to record more detailed information about surgeries along with medical problems, allergies, medications and immunizations.

What I propose is to remove these fields from the History page, and substitute a button that will take you directly to the list of problems, surgeries, allergies and medications (see http://www.refercare.org/openemr/issues.jpg).

Any objections?

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>

drbowen wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2005:

This has bugged the heck out of me since I first started using OpenEMR.

I have one gentleman who has three separate bypass surgeries.

How many get only one knee surgery, or one hip, or only one catacract done!

I say Hoooraaah!