HiPAADesk Certificaton

ajperezcrespo wrote on Wednesday, March 09, 2005:

I’ve attemped to go through the HiPAADesk.com certification process and get two errors.  They are
Unrecognized data fournd n the data field as part of Loop 2010AA Las known Segment was N4 position 030 Error detected at: Segment count:13 Character 419-422.  The Guidelines Properties states Name: Billing Provider Address
The second error is:
Element SV109 is a coded list element. Code ‘N’ is not allowd. Segment SV1 is defined in the guidline at position 370.
This error was detected at:Segment count 33 Element position 9, Characters:915-942
Anyone got any clues?

ajperezcrespo wrote on Wednesday, March 09, 2005:

Error #1: Unrecognized data found in the data file as part of Loop 2010AA. Last known segment was N4 at guideline position 030.

This message was generated because your test data has a blank REF segment, no values are included in the segment.  Removing the REF segment will correct this error.

Error #2: Element SV109 is a coded list element. Code ‘N’ is not allowed. Segment SV1 is defined in the guideline at position 370.

According to the implementation guideline, ‘Y’ is the only acceptable value for element SV109.