Hiding blank fields in reports

mangaleshjoshi wrote on Wednesday, January 30, 2013:

Is it possible to hide blank fields, say for instance Home Phone under Contact Tab of Demographics, while printing the report? How to make report show only the used fields while printing?

mangaleshjoshi wrote on Wednesday, January 30, 2013:

It doesn’t make any sense to print all the demographics information on patient discharge report. Only information under ‘Who’ is essential on top followed by discharge summary. How to do this?

mangaleshjoshi wrote on Wednesday, January 30, 2013:

Oops! I wanted to post another query, and I by mistake posted in comment and don’t know how to remove. :frowning:

mangaleshjoshi wrote on Thursday, January 31, 2013:

Can anyone suggest any solutions for hiding blank fields while printing the reports/invoice please? The blank headings give a shabby look to the print. Also, how to add signature line under the invoice?…it is there in ‘Reports’…

Thanks in advance.
MJ :slight_smile: