Hide items in the patient's demographics

Hello, thank you very much for this excellent openemr application. I wanted to know if it is possible to leave only in the patient’s details the contact section for the last name, the date of birth and only the prescription section. Anything else that doesn’t show it.

Is it possible?
Thank you very much

Hello @elpeladogeek,
To hide the fields in the demographics kindly follow the below steps,

  1. Go to Adminstration -> Layouts.
  2. Select Demographics option in the Edit Layout dropdown.
  3. For each field there is a dropdown named as UOR with values Unused,Optional,Required…
  4. Select Unused option from UOR dropdown for the field that you would like to hide from the Demographics.
  5. Click Save Changes button at the top.

Now you will able to hide the fields in the demographics.Please let us know, if you have any clarifications.


Thank you but I refer to the reports menu in the patient file itself, not in demographics.


For hiding the fields of report menu in the patient file, You have to customize the code in “interface/patient_file/report/patient_report.php” file. Comment/remove the fields that you don’t required.


Thank you very much

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