Help with inventory replenishment

mincey85 wrote on Thursday, February 13, 2014:

When using inventory module how do I add to items or products that are
already in the database? I would want to do then when I purchase more items
for my inventory. I do see that when a product is initially added I can
choose a purchase option but after that when I run out of product and need
to buy more there is not obvious way to add? Anyone know how to navigate

fsgl wrote on Thursday, February 13, 2014:

See this thread and dispense products like drugs.

blankev wrote on Thursday, February 13, 2014:

When you start with Inventory, NON-drug and Drug dispensing you need to fill in a number. This number should be unique.

My suggestion would be to use a general Database for drug numbers and something like INV-12334 for inventory and NOD-12345 for non-drug prescriptions.

blankev wrote on Thursday, February 13, 2014:

To order and track keeping you have to have activated the Feature option for Inventory and … whatever needed.

You see a listing of instock and ordered. If you click on the first blue field name you will go to the ADD and ORDER pages…