arnabnaha wrote on Thursday, June 18, 2015:
I am using the following html code for my automatic notification Emails.
<head><title>Doctor Appointment Reminder</title></head>
<body topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bgcolor="#F9F9F9" link="#006699" vlink="#006699" style="overflow-y:scroll;">
This is to remind you of the following appointment at Naha Health Clinic to see <B>***PROVIDER***</B>: <BR>
Appointment for : <B>***NAME***</B><BR>
Time, Day and Date : <B>***STARTTIME***</B> on <B>***DATE***</B><BR>
Address of Clinic : <B>B1/102, Panchsheel Housing Complex, M.B. Road, Birati, Kolkata - 700051</B><BR>
If you are unable to keep this appointment, please call our office at 03325396068.<BR>
For <B>NEW PATIENTS</B>,please bring the following documents along with you:-<BR>
1. Your ID card (Passport, Driving License, Voter ID Card, Aadhaar Card, etc)<BR>
2. Your Address proof (Passport, Driving License, Voter ID Card, Ration Card, Aadhaar Card, etc)<BR>
3.All your previous medical records, test reports and prescription (if any)<BR>
For <B>EXISTING PATIENTS/ESTABLISHED PATIENTS</B>, please bring the medical record file we supplied you on your first visit with the patient ID.<BR>
We look forward to seeing you.<BR>
Thank you.<BR>
Naha Health Clinic Team<BR>
for ***PROVIDER***.<BR>
<small>Please let us know if you prefer <B>not</B> to receive the email reminders about your future appointments.</small>
This works absolutely fine and emails are send nicely. I want to add a header (a jpg file or a png file on the top of the email containing the clinic name and the statement APPOINTMENT REMINDER). For this I added the following piece of code:
<img src=''/><BR>
I added the code below this line in the HTML of the Automatic reminder
<head><title>Doctor Appointment Reminder</title></head>
<body topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bgcolor="#F9F9F9" link="#006699" vlink="#006699" style="overflow-y:scroll;">
The problem is, Now the emails are not send and I receive this error -
[18-Jun-2015 23:47:50 Asia/Kolkata] SQL Error with statement:query failed: INSERT INTO `notification_log` ( `iLogId` , `pid` , `pc_eid` , `sms_gateway_type` , `message` , `email_sender` , `email_subject` , `type` , `patient_info` , `smsgateway_info` , `pc_eventDate` , `pc_endDate` , `pc_startTime` , `pc_endTime` , `dSentDateTime` ) VALUES (NULL , '1', '34', '', '<html>
This error gets corrected if I remove the image code which I added. Can anybody please help with the proper html code needed to display the image?