This works on demo for php7.3:
Yes it does. I donât get any popup errors? But do get this in the error logs file in the database
PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /public_html/emr/interface/billing/edit_payment.php on line 953
What is the pay status youâre editing, Fully Paid or Unapplied?
Like to see screenshot of final page where Patient search doesnât work or is missing. btw: which is it?
I fixed your warning although I donât think it is your issue but, in case, give attached a try.
edit_payment.php (68.3 KB)
Thank you. Yes the error went away but still have the same problem. The page works until I get here and search for the patient. The patient comes up as
id patent name and I click on the id. The screen flashes but nothing is returned.
Sorry Tammy I donât know how to help you. I still donât understand where the issue is at. If you get to my screenshot above then youâre ready to modify the payment.
If youâre not getting to dialog then iâd expect to see an error.
Again, I need a detailed list of all actions you take before you fail:
Also web search on how to take and edit screenshots so you can blank PHI.
Do you mean blank out the info?
Yes any patient info you donât want public.
Or if you want to give me temporary access to your site, email me.
To fix your calendar ya need to clear your smarty cache from Administration->Clinic->Calendar
Thank you very much.
$ResultSearchNew = sqlStatement("SELECT,last_level_closed,b.encounter,fe.`date`,b.code_type,b.code,b.modifier,fee
FROM billing AS b,form_encounter AS fe, code_types AS ct
WHERE b.encounter=fe.encounter AND b.code_type=ct.ct_key AND ct.ct_diag=0
AND b.activity!=0 AND =? AND =?
" . ($StringForQuery ?? '') . " ORDER BY fe.`date`, fe.encounter,b.code,b.modifier", array($hidden_patient_code, $hidden_patient_code));
My query returns nothing.
Because the query returned nothing, I figured out that the non diagnostic codes were set to diagnosis codes in the code type table. Thanks @sjpadgett and @stephenwaite for all your help.