Help required on CVS upload

lvaibhav wrote on Tuesday, October 08, 2013:

We are using Open EMR. I want to know whether there is feature available for CSV upload. The CSV holds below fields. I would require the mappings with MySQL database fieds also for the below fields.

  1. MRN - MRN Number
  2. Name - Name of the patient
  3. Sex - Sex of the patient
  4. DOB - Date of birth
  5. Modality - Modality for which the patient has came
  6. Procedure - Procedure for which patient has came for example - Lumbar Spine
  7. Symptoms - Symptoms observed in the XRay/MRI
  8. Notes - Any extra notes
  9. #Im - Imaging center number
  10. Imaging Center - Imaging center name
  11. Exams - No of exams carried out

  12. Study Date - date on which study is done
  13. Referrer - doctor who has referred patient
  14. Radiologist - Name of the rediologist
  15. Status - Status of MRI result
  16. Action

Kindly provide me the clarification asap.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, October 08, 2013:

It is possible!

Saying that, there is another answer that gives rise to many more questions.

The right answer could also be:
there is no way to do this without a very experienced Developer active in OpenEMR.

The simple answer is:
Make a fresh install. Get all permanent information that you have available in the new install. Pharmacies, Users, others like Referrers, Insurance companies, and whatever you need mentioned in your list. These are the basics.

Wait for two days (do not use this openEMR local install). After two days of silence, reopen your OpenEMR and make three clients/patients with all fake information mentioned in your question.

If you find some information you can not include, make an entry under Lists => code-types and/or Codes (V.4.1.2), make a LBF-form with NationNotes. Wait again for two days. Reopen OpenEMR and make the necessary changes for the three clients for you 16 needed CSV information answers.

Now enter the brains of OpenEMR through Administration => Other => Database, this brings you in phpMyAdmin. Take a look at all tables changed during the last week (or time-span you needed to get the relevant fake information in)

There are four kinds of tabels.

  1. Tables with the first entries with constants like Users, Referrers, Pharmacies,
  2. Information on the second date Data with demographics, Issues, etc.
  3. Rest information and some with the latest information from you LBF-forms.
  4. Untouched files with the information in tables you got through the new install of OpenEMR.

“Now the MRI comes at hand.” Scan for the connections. All tables will have a Unique ID. These belong to that table (These can be names or numbers, mostly numbers). All other information in the tables are connecting Unique ID’s to connect to or get info from other tables or fields with relevant information for that table. (Now you should be able to see why you have to be, or become, a developer to get these tables filled with the information you have available and want to import CSV style into OpenEMR.

CSV import is a table by table import. (Could be a part of a CSV spreadsheet or a complete spreadsheet) The import is also maximized in Mb size

Another way might be to export/import an SQL-file and follow the instructions for import of Codes and Codes-types available in the WIKI-Pages for importing ICD9 codes.

B.T.W.: I use import through CSV option a lot (User file, Demographics, Pharmacies, Users (Users only without the first row), and only to fill a clean new install) I never tried to make a complete version of all related tables as mentioned in your question/subject and imported them through CSV.

Just thinking about the correct answer…It is possible!

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, October 08, 2013:

Aside from Database, where else will the data appear and in what form?