Help - install not functioning properly

samsalas wrote on Sunday, April 03, 2011:

I just performed a fresh install of 4.0 and I can log in using “” but not “”  the login page is abnormal, many of the titles are missing, background and trim are not normal, I can login but again many of the titles are not present and the background is white. 

thanks for any help.

samsalas wrote on Sunday, April 03, 2011:

I have turned on the error option in my php5.ini so that I could see what was occurring when  I attempt to open the login page, the errors that displayed are as follows:

Notice: Undefined variable: sanitize_all_escapes in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/interface/globals.php on line 56

Warning: session_start() : Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/interface/globals.php:56) in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/interface/globals.php on line 117

Notice: Undefined index: enable_auditlog in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 485

Notice: Undefined index: enable_auditlog in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 485

Notice: Undefined index: enable_auditlog in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 485

Notice: Undefined index: enable_auditlog in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 485

Thanks again for help

bradymiller wrote on Monday, April 04, 2011:

Those are all benign notices. The correct way to login to openemr would be:
(ie. no need to go to a specific login.php script; you will be forwarded automatically to the correct one).

samsalas wrote on Monday, April 04, 2011:

yes I’ve tried “” with the same error message.  How do you know that this is benign, is there a list of non-esential variables? I do have a critical error somewhere because the login page does not load.  Where else do I need to look.   i had 3.2 running and decided to upgrade to 4.0 and had the same error.  So I tried to do a complete new database with a fresh install of 4.0 and have had the same results.  

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

samsalas wrote on Tuesday, April 05, 2011:

I was using Safari before. I just tried to open up the login page with Firefox and these are the errors it posted:

Notice: Undefined variable: sanitize_all_escapes in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/interface/globals.php on line 56

Warning: session_start() : Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/interface/globals.php:56) in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/interface/globals.php on line 117

Notice: Undefined index: authUser in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 483

Notice: Undefined index: enable_auditlog in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 485

Notice: Undefined index: authUser in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 483

Notice: Undefined index: enable_auditlog in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 485

Notice: Undefined index: authUser in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 483

Notice: Undefined index: enable_auditlog in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 485

Notice: Undefined index: authUser in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 483

Notice: Undefined index: authGroup in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 517

Notice: Undefined index: authUser in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 483

Notice: Undefined index: authGroup in /home/content/15/4915415/html/openemr/library/ on line 517

I hope this may be of some use.
Thanks for any help.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 05, 2011:


The “Notice” and “Warning” mean these are all just benign php messages (best to have these go to the error log file than to the screen). If you turn the screen logging off, does work? If so, then you should be fine. If not, then what’s your operating system and what OpenEMR package and version are you installing. Also, ensure you have the correct php settings:
(if you change any php settings, remember to restart apache)


samsalas wrote on Wednesday, April 06, 2011:

No.  I had it off before and the log in page was blank when I open the log in page
I’ve installed v 4.0.0 on a  linux  server, I’m using using php5 and my php.ini settings are correct.

samsalas wrote on Wednesday, April 06, 2011:

Actually upon further review the last line in my php5.ini was different. I’ve corrected it and when I try to log in I receive three

Page Not Found

The page you tried to access does not exist on this server. This page may not exist due to the following reasons:

You are the owner of this web site and you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information.
The URL that you have entered in your browser is incorrect. Please re-enter the URL and try again.
The Link that you clicked on incorrectly points to this page. Please contact the owner of this web site to inform them of this situation.

Again I really appreciate the help your giving me.

aethelwulffe wrote on Wednesday, April 06, 2011:

Hi Dr. Sam!
Just IN CASE the following troubleshooting tips are not completely obvious to you, I’ll risk insulting you to try to help.

Assuming that you are not paying for hosting off-site, is logging on or RDP’ing into your server and browsing to localhost/openemr not an option to try to narrow down any issues that might relate to hosting or routers?

  Another thing that (not at the absolute root of the issue obviously) I might mention is simply ensuring your browser cache is clear.

Do you have the option of trying a clean install (sans old Database, creating a new one, full install pack of everything) just in case you are having problems linking to the database, just to test all other elements?

  Final stupid thing I can ask is “Did you run setup?”.

-please don’t get pissed if any of these questions are silly obvious to you…Art

samsalas wrote on Wednesday, April 06, 2011:

My server is off site.   I am not able to RDP into it.   I just cleared my cache, there was no difference.   I’ve done a complete clean install, but I can do it again if need be.   Yes I did run setup and all appeared fine through the  finish.  I did have problems with  step 6, configuring the Apache Server  config file, since I have no access to the file.   I have not yet figured out how to use .htaccess files.  

Could it be that it does not recognize the root directory?    Is there a way to check where its looking for openemr?

Thanks for the help.

aethelwulffe wrote on Wednesday, April 06, 2011:

My guess would be that (since you are indicating that acl_setup.php ran too) since apache would let you access a page before you changed php.ini, and not after, then the issue lies with php, perl, or mysql, and not with apache itself, unless it is indeed an htaccess file.  Sounds like an issue for your host to help you with to me.  Some sites don’t allow you to use htaccess files, but apparently you have had 3.2 running on this host.
  Basically, your htaccess file will allow you to make directories accessible (passwords).  It also handles redirects.  Since you were not getting a re-direct to the login page from, then the redirects obviously are not working, Ja?

A good htaccess primer: 

aethelwulffe wrote on Wednesday, April 06, 2011:

Of course a GREAT solution would be to call your ISP, get a static IP or a ddns (if you even need one) and set up your system in-shop.  Nothing like full gigabyte access when at the clinic, and even average cable speeds seem to be good enough to work from home.  If your host does not allow htaccess, or can’t/won’t look into this for you, dumping them would certainly be an alternative.

samsalas wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2011:

htaccess is not the problem, setup step 6, this code denies access to sensitive data.  I’ve added htaccess files in the proper folders, just to finish the setup portion, but this does not explain why the login page does not open.  What area of the code defines the local root directory? I really think that may the issue here.

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2011:


This is where I’m confused:

I just performed a fresh install of 4.0 and I can log in using “

Does it work form this link?


aethelwulffe wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2011:

OK, the site is up…sort of.
  At first, it looks like it has a css problem (and still might if it is one of last month’s 4.0 snapshots, as I discovered).
Here is the broken link to the logo on the site:
THIS location will display the gif however:

aethelwulffe wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2011:

Point being that redirects are not functioning, and that is either an install/setup issue, as $webserverroot seems to be hosed, or, if the primary function of the install is OK, (I can’t log onto it) then you simply need to go to globals, and change the css theme to sky_blue.  That fixed something like this for me.  What is the date of your build?

aethelwulffe wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2011:

Can you log in at all?

When you navigate to an individual page in the EMR it works….but not the login frame.  login_frame.php tries to display three pages/frames, all of which fail, and all of which display “friendly” error messages from your host, confusing the issue.
I would not think you can log in with this.  I don’t know where to change $OE_Site_Dir manually for your type of install.  I think maybe you should go ahead and edit sites/default/sqlconf.php and change the setup flag back to 0, then run it again and re-check your configuration.

A confirming example, looking at the style sheet location:

<link rel=stylesheet href="/interface/themes/style_oemr.css" type=“text/css”>

<script language=‘JavaScript’ src="…/…/library/js/jquery-1.4.3.min.js"></script>
<script language=‘JavaScript’>

Yep….just look at the style sheet stuff.
needs to be :
<link rel=‘stylesheet’ href="/openemr/interface/themes/style_sky_blue.css" type=“text/css”>

samsalas wrote on Wednesday, April 13, 2011:

Ok  lets see if I can explain what is going on.  I’ve performed several fresh install of 4.0  re down loading each, even creating new mysql databases for each.    I can log in using “”. The login page has no graphics, but does have login and password, but none of the buttons work and there are no graphics once logged in.   When I try “”, which should be the normal login page, all I get is a blank page.

I am using php5.

I believe setup fails to set the root directory properly.

thanks for any help!

Sincerely, Still Frustrated.

bradymiller wrote on Friday, April 15, 2011:

Paths are sorted automatically near top of interface/globals.php script. Wonder if there is an issue (although unlikely, because I think it would of given same real error messages in your php error log): you can try to hard-code them here:

// The webserver_root and web_root are now automatically collected in
//  real time per above code. If above is not working, can uncomment and
//  set manually here:
//   $webserver_root = "/var/www/openemr"
//   $web_root =  "/openemr"

samsalas wrote on Monday, April 18, 2011:

I turned on my firefox web console and this is the paths that are taken upon attempting to open up my login page "".    I’ve gone back and had no trouble installing 3.2 and it ran just fine, but I just can’t get 4.0 to work.  I’m attempting to run 4.0 on an off site server.  Midway through attempting to open the login page it stops using correct path.  I’ve re installed several times


thanks aain for any ideas.