Help copying XAMPP & OpenEMR to new computer

bobogofast wrote on Tuesday, April 23, 2013:


I have XAMPP 1.7.3 and OpenEMR 4.1.1 (12) on a Win 8 laptop working well and am trying to transfer it all to a Dell GX260 desktop 2.4 GHz 1 GB RAM running a fresh XP install. Once logged in, the left Menu frame and bottom Message frame show properly, but the top calendar frame does not load. The Hide Menu button works, and the Top & Bottom frames can be resized. None of the Menu options work; for example, clicking on Patients yields “Waiting for http://localhost/.../dynamic_finder.php…” but nothing else.

Does anyone have any ideas of what is wrong and how to fix it?


blankev wrote on Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

Could have something to do with a different browser?

bobogofast wrote on Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

Thanks for the input Pieter. I think it is more than a browser problem. There may be something wrong with my database, even though it is working on my laptop. A fresh installation of XAMPP & OpemEMR on the desktop does work. However, backing up the database from the laptop and restoring on the desktop results in the problem already described for entirely copying from one machine to another. I have used the following routines:

There are ~150 patients in the database, and ICD9 and ICD10 are loaded.


fsgl wrote on Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

Hi Bobo,

Pimm (Pieter), CVerk and I had a discussion about backup last month.

The .tar file is not an exact copy.

CVerk’s script is elegant and easy to use compared to Joe Holzer’s method (the second link) and it is very reproducible.

You may consider using the CVerk script as described in here.

bobogofast wrote on Wednesday, April 24, 2013:

Hi Pimm,

Looking through the Apache error log, I found:

‘faxstat’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I had activated the Enable Hylafax Support option on the Administration/Globals/Miscellaneous tab on the laptop. After disabling that option, I exported the openemr database, sans the huge ICD10 tables, and imported it with PHPAdmin on the desktop. It now works – YAY.
