jerry42 wrote on Thursday, February 11, 2010:
Where do I find it? Went from 3.0.1 to 3.1 on Ubuntu.
jerry42 wrote on Thursday, February 11, 2010:
Where do I find it? Went from 3.0.1 to 3.1 on Ubuntu.
jerry42 wrote on Thursday, February 11, 2010:
Doh! My bad. I failed to document it when I added the patch at
Can anyone tell me if it works as well with 3.1 like it did in 3.0?
bo2999 wrote on Friday, February 12, 2010:
I created the patch for my own use for version 3.0.1. I have not tried it out for version 3.1. However, I don’t think there is any drastic change in the ver 3.1 in the billing function (correct me if I am wrong).
By the way, thanks for trying it out. I did try to talk to Rod to include the change, but I did not get any response from him, so I just leave the way it is until now
That is strange that no one need this function!!! I find it very useful when uploading claims using text output to clearing houses (almost all clearing houses support this function) for ease of debugging.
Let me know if it works for ver 3.1. Thanks.
Just hope that developers include this function for next release. So you don’t have to patch it every time.
sunsetsystems wrote on Friday, February 12, 2010:
Bo, sorry I dropped the ball. Must have gotten buried in my email. Can you send it again?
bradymiller wrote on Friday, February 12, 2010:
Here’s his patch on the tracker:
jerry42 wrote on Friday, February 12, 2010:
Thank you so much for writing this patch. It allows me to bill through Office Ally without having to go through all of the insanity of X12 files.
I added the patch to 3.1 and sent a file last night and it was not rejected.
I too cannot believe that more people aren’t using this, it’s so easy.
bo2999 wrote on Friday, February 12, 2010:
Thanks Jerry42. At least I know it still works for Ver 3.1.
To Rod, I hope the patch would be included in the next release. I should have emailed you again, but I was too busy working on the Growth Chart. andI forgot all about this
xiaoanri wrote on Saturday, February 13, 2010:
Hi, Bo,
I want to thank you for this patch, I think it is really a good feature, I have been using this feature for some of the claims, as Jerry42 said, it is really easy to make changes if needed, instead of getting back to x12. In my particular case, i need to include a few words on HCFA form on item 23 in some particular claims, the x 12 would not do that even if the info is added, but your patch does that well most of the time-i recently found occasionally it does not do that, not sure why, but this can still be added easily to the text file.
To Rod: I think this is definitely a good move to include it in the next release.
sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, February 13, 2010:
Bo, this looks like 3.0.1 stuff and, while it looks reasonable, is more than I feel comfortable translating to 3.2 right before release. Why don’t you create a patch (in diff -u format) against 3.2 code so folks can easily try it out. Then we’ll get it into the next patch release.
bo2999 wrote on Saturday, February 13, 2010:
Thanks for your vote of confidence in me.
Actually, I am not a programmer. My programming skill is very limited. As you know, it took me a long time to create the ’ Misc billing options" forms. And It took me 3 days to come up with the age function in growth chart with leap year calculation with other people’s help.
The patch with diff - u format is over my head. However I will give it a shot if time permits
bradymiller wrote on Saturday, February 13, 2010:
As a present, I converted your stuff to a patch from the 3.0.1 code and placed it in the tracker artifact. In theory, it should work in the development tip, however several hunks do fail when try to patch the current cvs code, but just a bit of manual copy/paste will need to be done to get it into the current cvs development tip. When it’s working in the tip, will be easy to migrate it back to 3.2.0 in future and include it in a 3.2.0 official patch.
sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, February 13, 2010:
Using Linux you can make a patch file like this:
1. Download OpenEMR and expand it into some directory, let’s say /home/bo/openemr.
2. Make a copy of it with:
cp -a /home/bo/openemr /home/bo/openemr.old
3. Make your changes in /home/bo/openemr.
4. Create the patch file “openemr.patch”:
cd /home/bo
diff -u -r openemr.old openemr > openemr.patch
bo2999 wrote on Sunday, February 14, 2010:
Thanks Brady and Rod,
Using Rod’s instructions, I created the patch for version 3.1 (Ubuntu) along with the zip files (with updated files) to:
bo2999 wrote on Sunday, February 14, 2010:
Hi Brady,
where are we now in the development? Ver 3.2 or Ver 3.3?
Is there any changes for billing in ver 3.2 as compared to 3.1? just currious? I am still having problems updating my data base to 3.1? Some how the" Sql_upgrade.php" in “openemr_3.1.0-1_all.deb” does not work, I had to use the old sql_upgrade.php from ver 3.1?
sunsetsystems wrote on Sunday, February 14, 2010:
Bo, 3.2 will be released very soon. Patches for it can be released after that. 3.3 is the current development branch.
We can’t help with sql_upgrade.php without details such as specific error messages.
bo2999 wrote on Monday, February 15, 2010:
When I point my web browser to sql_upgrade.php (Ver3.1), all I got was a blank screen… Not much to go on. No error message!
sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, February 15, 2010:
You’ll need to check the PHP error log to find out what the error was. Depending on your Linux distribution that might be one of the files in /var/log/ or /var/log/apache2/. This assumes your php.ini is set up to log errors in the first place.
bradymiller wrote on Monday, February 15, 2010:
Your patch has a bunch of installation specific info in it from the openemr/library/freeb/process_bills.log file. Ideally, would be nice to have a patch from the development tip (3.3.x); hopefully the 3.1 patch will go in (just fix the process_bill.log file). Also, while your at it, internationalize the alert statement associated with clicking of the button:
see bottom of this entry for instructions -