Having a new and sophisticated Emr

myfitnesswallet wrote on Friday, June 27, 2014:

We have a sophisticated software EMR . Does someone want to work on it or want to check it ???

doggmd wrote on Friday, June 27, 2014:

Some details would be helpful.

fsgl wrote on Friday, July 04, 2014:

Intriguing website, but images on the right are even more interesting.

teryhill wrote on Friday, July 04, 2014:

teryhill wrote on Friday, July 04, 2014:

Hey… They say if it looks like a duck ,talks like a duck and walks like a duck it must be a duck. OpenEMR?

blankev wrote on Friday, July 04, 2014:

If you think it is a Duck, it could be an hidden OpenEMR version behaving like a I dig and dug…

Let’s check if it behaves!

fsgl wrote on Saturday, July 05, 2014:

Having sampled the neighbor’s pie placed outside to cool, one would think that it might be a good idea to wipe the blueberry filling from the lips before talking to the very same neighbor.

htuckjr wrote on Saturday, July 05, 2014:

Just for the fun of it:
is the url in the browser.

Attached is screenshot of where that took me.

Their "Copyright Notice:
All the modifications have been done for the client and further changes can only be done by MyFitnessWallet team. "

At least it didn’t let me in using the ‘admin/ pass’ login!

blankev wrote on Saturday, July 05, 2014:

Site ID is missing from session data!

Is the message I got when I visited your ULR post. They not so far ahead of OpenEMR, their version is 4.1.0 having said this… stupid to investigate. No worth my time.

Have a nice weekend.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, July 05, 2014:


The outfit is not exactly FOSS ($100/month small clinic, $200/month medium clinic, large clinics will have to ask). Heaven forbid that any trade secrets be stolen.

Did you see the Sanjay Havaldar quote? Their other post talked about being HIPAA compliant. The Feds would crucify us if anything remotely like that happened in the U.S.

Bless Brady’s soul. I emailed him about this thread. His reply was so equanimous as to be almost Zen. The man must be a Buddhist. He takes all of this as a “compliment” (along the lines of “The most sincere form of flattery is …”).

Going to take Brady’s lead and post no more about the matter (unless extremely provoked).

htuckjr wrote on Saturday, July 05, 2014:

I apologize, Pieter, I was sloppy. The url I gave was what my browser had after I had surfed to the url in the ad’s pictures:

and was unable to log in myself.

But you’re right, that’s about as far as this thing is worth investigating, unless that ‘copyright notice’ represents a GPL violation somebody wants to pursue.

Hope you enjoy your weekend also!

htuckjr wrote on Saturday, July 05, 2014:

Hi fsgl-

Yes, we are of one mind- this was amusing while I drank my first coffee of the day; now back to work.

blankev wrote on Sunday, July 06, 2014:

Now you got my attention back again… Isn’t there any open insecurity left that can be used, o see if there are some Copyright infringements?

As long as there is some line to tell people how thankful they are to use all the free programming of so many…