teryhill wrote on Tuesday, July 28, 2015:
I have a user that needs to send an EPSDT code and NU for well visits. Has anyone modified the misc 1500 billing form, gen 1500 and gen x12 to accommodate this.
teryhill wrote on Tuesday, July 28, 2015:
I have a user that needs to send an EPSDT code and NU for well visits. Has anyone modified the misc 1500 billing form, gen 1500 and gen x12 to accommodate this.
fsgl wrote on Tuesday, July 28, 2015:
Box 24H not in Miscellaneous Billing Options probably because not a great demand for it.
In our state these claims must be submitted on the Medicaid form (can’t use CMS 1500).
teryhill wrote on Monday, August 03, 2015:
I have the paper 1500 done and am testing electronic with the clearing house.
fsgl wrote on Tuesday, August 04, 2015:
While you are in the neighborhood, it would be good if Box 15 is removed, Box 14 & Box 17 are fixed as well in Miscellaneous Billing Options.
teryhill wrote on Tuesday, August 04, 2015:
Box 15 removed. Box 14 changed and looking into 17
teryhill wrote on Tuesday, August 04, 2015:
FSGL may be you should start a new thread requesting input on these changes and others
teryhill wrote on Tuesday, August 04, 2015:
I have been looking into this and box 14 is actually the onset date in the encounter , so It appears that it is not needed on the misc form.
teryhill wrote on Tuesday, August 04, 2015:
Latest screen shot.
yehster wrote on Tuesday, August 04, 2015:
It might make sense to put “text only” that describes that Box 14. is populated from the encounter screen.
teryhill wrote on Tuesday, August 04, 2015:
like this.
Kevin have you had a chance to look at your split screen utility?
fsgl wrote on Tuesday, August 04, 2015:
Would vote for this one, but change the colon to a period for Box 14.
teryhill wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:
Cleaning up the code will try to make a commit tomorrow. PDF attached
fsgl wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:
Southerners are the best!
teryhill wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:
I don’t know about that Mouse.
Here is the commit No guarentees
fsgl wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:
And I thought modesty was antediluvian.
teryhill wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:
I have saw a ford van, a chevy van and a dodge van but I don’t think I have ssaw an ante dilu van bet it got a v8.
Thanks Mouse
juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, September 03, 2015:
In Box 31 I have to have a date pull with the providers signature “signature on file”. (The signature on file is working, but it needs a date. Date of service works in this case.)
juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, September 03, 2015:
Can you send me a patch for this please?
fsgl wrote on Thursday, September 03, 2015:
In Administration/Globals/Features, there are 3 choices for each item.
CMS 1500, Box 31 Format: “Signature on File”, Firstname Lastname or none (for handwritten signature).
CMS 1500, Date in Box 31: None, Date of Service, Today.