kunlereedwan wrote on Wednesday, December 01, 2010:

Please i need someone to kindly guide me on How to change Billing Dollar sign to =N= . thank you all

visolveemr wrote on Thursday, December 02, 2010:


In Administration->Globals, under ‘Locale’, change the value of  'Currency Designator ’  from ‘$’ to ‘=N=’ and save the changes.

Hope this helps.

ViCarePlus Team,

kunlereedwan wrote on Thursday, December 02, 2010:

Thank you for your response but i cant find Locale under Administration to change the currency
thank you

kunlereedwan wrote on Thursday, December 02, 2010:

Please, How can i activate Global in openemr3.2.0 or it is only activated in the new openemr4.0

kunlereedwan wrote on Thursday, December 02, 2010:

How can i install the patches on openemr3.2.0

stephen-smith wrote on Thursday, December 02, 2010:

There is no UI for globals in 3.2, AFAIK.  You’ll have to edit globals.php directly.  There should be a similarly named variable in that file.

The patch(es) to provide the globals UI are not available separately from a upgrade to the current development version.  That shouldn’t be too difficult (normal upgrade procedures apply), but upgrading from a development snapshot to the final 4.0 release might be tricky (still very similar to a normal upgrade, but some of the selections might be unintuitive.)

stephen-smith wrote on Thursday, December 02, 2010:

Hrm, been a while since I looked at 3.2.  Looks like the development version uses ‘gbl_currency_symbol’ to store the string you want to change.  However, I don’t see anywhere to put that in 3.2, nor anywhere 3.2 uses it.

Going back to the change history it looks like support for changing the currency symbol wasn’t added until 2010-04-27 (by Rod).  New features stopped being added to 3.2 on 2010-12-21.  So, if you want this feature you’ll have to use the development version, wait for 4.0 to be released, or convince a developer to try and separate and backport the feature for you.  At the very least they will need the changes from commits 19bee4ea and cc033560, but they will probably need other changes as well.

blankev wrote on Thursday, December 02, 2010:

Another option is to make a change in aadministration => Translation English into (even English will work) or the Language of your intitial login choice. Search for $ and change into =N=. So even an English English translation will give a change of most of the $ signs. The only thing I am not sure about, if every $ sign is already included in the V3.2 version. But Brady did a great job for V4.0.