
bradymiller wrote on Thursday, July 15, 2010:

Can you post the patch for this, so we can get an idea of the coding involved.

hrivera787 wrote on Friday, July 16, 2010:

Yes, but first I need to check that everything is working right.
But, I have a doubt. On the version 4.0 their is an error, on the

The actual, save button does not save anything?

hrivera787 wrote on Friday, July 16, 2010:

Where do I post the CODE?
github or sourceforge?

bradymiller wrote on Friday, July 16, 2010:

Whatever’s easier for you. If sourceforge, then place the patch in the ‘Code Review’ tracker here. If github (I’d prefer this, but again whichever is easier), then simply send us a  link to your github repository branch/commit (then we can easily see the diff and test the code if desired). Either way, put a message here to direct us where to go.

hrivera787 wrote on Saturday, July 17, 2010:

Hi guys,

I have created a REPO on GitHub, called “OpenEMR-Ext-JS-”, the only change I made is on the immunization  file, and of course the addition of the Ext JS v3.2 Framework. I dropped the PHP Wrapper thing, because it’s was too much guessing on how to do things around the Framework. So, the code it’s a mix of PHP and JavaScript, but don’t worry the JavaScript part is just Ext Js Calls.

BTW, the resulting code was reduced, and I commented the most of the code so you guys can start from there. Brady and Rod, please comment on this.  I need further instructions on what parts of OpenEMR you need me to modify.

It’s a lot of room for this integration, the sky is only the limit. New approaches, like the discard of sort functions created on PHP, ExtJs can handle this with ease and on real time. The Framework is pretty straight forward,  for those new on the framework or PHP developers that does not have any ExtJS knowledge in the past.

I propose, the complete adaptation of ExtJS.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, July 17, 2010:


Couldn’t find your repository (include a link). It’s much simpler if you follow these instructions and fork your respository from the official openemr github repository:


hrivera787 wrote on Saturday, July 17, 2010:

No problem, I will do that.

hrivera787 wrote on Saturday, July 17, 2010:


I had added a new branch called ExtJS.

atlanticcan wrote on Tuesday, July 20, 2010:

I’d like to try using ExtJS. I have added Rivera’s branch and have all the code, but when I log into OpenEMR and go to Immunizations the top frame is blank. I have tried using Chrome and Firefox. Any suggestions?

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, July 20, 2010:

That branch doesn’t yet work. hrivera787 is planning to fix it; it takes time to traverse the steep git learning curve.

atlanticcan wrote on Tuesday, July 20, 2010:

Thanks, I’ll try it again later.

I went to Sencha’s website a few days ago to find out more about ExtJS and it looks like it could be useful. The icons, buttons and other components are all very clean. If anyone is interested in finding out more there are three links below:
Shows off buttons, transitions and such. Very low level.
Shows off every Ext component (so you can compare how various themes look)
Shows off a number of impressive samples including an in-browser desktop, an RSS feed reader, Google Maps, a personal task manager and more. Take a look at “Web Desktop”, “Simple Tasks” and some of the drag and drop samples.

hrivera787 wrote on Tuesday, July 20, 2010:

I’m working on the integration of Sencha’s ExtJS Framework, to OpenEMR. But like everything, it takes time.
As Brady say, I’m also learning Git on the fly, it’s my first time working on such Repo Manager.

Don’t worry, soon I will have something to show.