I’ve created a new form to track a couple values on a visit form. I’ve added several encounters with the new form.
When i try to view the graph, it doesn’t appear to have the data applied. I get a black line across the top, my three fields display but with no values. The only thing I did on the new form was add the G in the options. Is there someting I’m missing?
Any help would be great;ly appreciated.
I had the same problem with this version of OpenEMR as David. I could never figure it out. I was only able to get a graph one time and never again. I’m not sure what I did to get it to work. I subscribed to this thread to see if there is a solution. If I find one, I will contribute it.
Unfortunately, Firefox makes my Mac behave very badly. I can’t use it. I’m using Safari mostly. I’ll try it with Firefox with one of the campus computers. When I review the php error log and javascript error console, what am I looking for?