Google Season of Docs (SoD)

All that sounds like a pretty useful approach but wouldn’t it need to be the scheme for organizing a collection of docs from the ground up? If you start labeling things ‘users’ that are different sorts of things than OpenEMR already calls users, it might be confusing. Or is that just a set of labels you’d use for your own reference as you organized the material?

I was originally planning to define groups of users and then link to wiki articles that have the information they’re interested in. I hear your concern that these roles vary from clinic to clinic though, so I don’t think this approach would be the best fit.

Your suggestion to leverage users as labels to help me organize the material seems more appropriate. Thank you! With this approach, I think I would guide users through the getting started guide based on end goal. Do you want to learn how to install and run OEMR? Go to these wiki pages. Do you want to learn how to navigate OEMR? Go to these other wiki pages. That way the roles are more fluid, but still isolate users from information they don’t need to know.