Global amount

sriniemr wrote on Friday, June 01, 2012:

What is the purpose of ar_activity and ar_Session table,I found  below from openemr wiki.But i hope it’s not fully covered.

what is global amount in openemr?

This  is ar_session table definition.It’s missed global_amount,Why remaining amount are considered as global amount and  Where we can use global amount?

ar_session – Also for Accounts Receivable, this table is applicable to insurance EOBs. Each row corresponds to a “posting session” in which a single payment covers a set of claims. Columns are:

    session_id: A unique numeric identifier for the session.
    payer_id: The ID of the payer in the insurance_companies table.
    user_id: The ID of the user who is posting the session.
    closed: Indicates if the session is complete (1=yes, 0=no).
    reference: Normally a check number or EOB number.
    check_date: The check date as provided by the payer.
    deposit_date: The date that the receiver deposits the payment.
    pay_total: The amount of the payment.

Could u send me any graph to explain the workflow of billing section?

sriniemr wrote on Friday, June 01, 2012:

Follow up on last question?

2.Insurance company total amount.

1.How can i find a total amount and remainder of an insurance company  that need to pay hospital

2.ar_activity store the records of an payment,But i hope it’s a receivable only,But how we can know total amount for an claims.


anonymous wrote on Friday, June 01, 2012:

ar_session - Contains payment id of total amt the insurance or patient paid

For example
Pt paid -$5000.The amt is not for the particular encounter procedures but for all encounter procedures of that patient
Ins paid -$5000.The amt is might for the single patient encounters procedures and in many cases it is for all pt encounter procedures who belongs to that insuarnce

ar_activity  - Contains the details of the distribution of that payment

For example

Pt payment of $5000 would be used for number of procedures of that pt.Ins payment of $5000 would be used for number of patient procedures.

So each details of used amount for the procedure is stored in ar_activity.

These two tables have the common field called “session_id” with this we can find the total amount used for the procdures.

The remainder amount goes to the global amount if we wish.

But i am sorry i dont know what is the exact usage of the global amount.

I hope this helps a bit.