GIT problem

arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, June 09, 2012:

Suddenly I am having issues with github. I was trying to fetch the main repo using the command git fetch upstream…it asked for passphrase…after giving the correct passphrase, It throwed an error: Permission to openemer/openemr.git denied to arnabnaha

Why this is happening?

arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, June 09, 2012:

Please help me on this…I cant update the master branch of my forked repo of openemr as it is saying permission to openemr/openemr.git denied to arnabnaha

arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, June 09, 2012:

Its urgent…please help…

yehster wrote on Saturday, June 09, 2012:

I am currently creating a new clone of the github repository right now without issue so I have a hard time believing that the problem is with github itself.

You could try explicitly specifying the repo, or trying the read only master on sourceforge.

git fetch git://

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, June 09, 2012:


github did require re-validation of the keys several months back; suggest checking on your account in github to make sure your key doesn’t need to be re-validated.

also, may be helpful to capy/paste pertinent part of your .git/config file (especially the part that goes over the details of your remotes, including the upstream).


arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, June 09, 2012:

Thanks Brady and Yehster…

It is working fine now…did a mistake…was cloning the openemr/openemr.git directory rather that arnabnaha/openemr.git
Thanks for all the help!