Get plan benefit info

If I understand the software correctly, there is no way to automatically get the patient’s copay, whether they’ve satisfied their deductible, or other insurance benefit information. Is that correct or am I missing it?

right @Jasonsiegel, that information would be obtained from either the insurance card (copay) or the insurance company’s provider portal (deductible to date + other benefit info, claims, etc)

Thank you Stephen, is this not automated because using the card or portal is industry standard (i.e., generally not coded into commercial EHRs), because payers don’t expose APIs to automatically bring this into an EHR, or because adding this feature just hasn’t been a priority yet for this project?

hi @Jasonsiegel, if you know of an API please provide a link. Thank you. I think we have the ability to support the 270 HIPAA transaction but will look into it further.