FSGL wiki question

teryhill wrote on Wednesday, June 10, 2015:

What size do the images need to be to go on the wiki? What are your tips / tools and all suggestions?
Much easier to do a PDF (for me) but I understand the need for the information to be placed in the wiki in a raw state.



fsgl wrote on Wednesday, June 10, 2015:

Wiki Primer.

To have an image fit within the margins, it should be about 875 pixels wide.

If you don’t mind spilling over the borders it can be as big as this.

Harley Tuck has a nice technique of cropping the image to get it to fit & centering the image.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, June 11, 2015:

In Linux gPaint is a great little tool, especially for cropping, highlighting & adding text. It’s intuitive, does not require consulting the manual.

Far better than Gimp, which is too complex & Paint, less complex than Gimp but not as easy to use as gPaint.

Best of all it’s open source.