Free Mega Clinic Software

raysoflight wrote on Wednesday, August 19, 2015:

We are a year and half old non-profit that offers free medical services.

  1. We have provided over $38 Million in free medical care.
  2. We have treated over 12 thousand patients in 5 cities
  3. We currently have over 3700 register volunteers
  4. We provide just about every medical service including major surgeries.
    All data is currently in Excel spree sheet form.

We are in need of an open source software platform that will be able to digitally
track a patient at:

  1. initial registration while in line outside (avg. 1500 – 3000 patients in 10 hrs)
  2. Triage
  3. To any of 35+ other services ie: medical, dental, eye care, message, hair cut, prescriptions, etc.
  4. Exit interviews.
  5. We have about 15+ different forms to be digitized
  6. A Wide-wide range of reports every field searchable
  7. HIPPA compliant.
  8. Data base for Providers, Patient Data, Volunteer Data base
  9. Ideally we would like to integrate this date to some sort of QR Code, or RFID arm band to track patient from service to service

Please call email any question to

Thank you

teryhill wrote on Wednesday, August 19, 2015:

What is your budget?

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 19, 2015, at 5:02 PM, Rupert Salmon wrote:

We are a year and half old non-profit that offers free medical services.

  1. We have provided over $38 Million in free medical care.
  2. We have treated over 12 thousand patients in 5 cities
  3. We currently have over 3700 register volunteers
  4. We provide just about every medical service including major surgeries.
    All data is currently in Excel spree sheet form.

We are in need of an open source software platform that will be able to digitally
track a patient at:

  1. initial registration while in line outside (avg. 1500 – 3000 patients in 10 hrs)
  2. Triage
  3. To any of 35+ other services ie: medical, dental, eye care, message, hair cut, prescriptions, etc.
  4. Exit interviews.
  5. We have about 15+ different forms to be digitized
  6. A Wide-wide range of reports every field searchable
  7. HIPPA compliant.
  8. Data base for Providers, Patient Data, Volunteer Data base
  9. Ideally we would like to integrate this date to some sort of QR Code, or RFID arm band to track patient from service to service

Please call email any question to

Thank you

Free Mega Clinic Software

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