teryhill wrote on Thursday, April 09, 2015:
I have some forms that will not e-sign. One is the Physical Exam. Is there something I need to add to the form so they can be e-signed and locked?
Terry Hill
teryhill wrote on Thursday, April 09, 2015:
I have some forms that will not e-sign. One is the Physical Exam. Is there something I need to add to the form so they can be e-signed and locked?
Terry Hill
fsgl wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
Is it this?
teryhill wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
Not that I can tell. The form does not have any of the logic in it to let it be e-signed. The example of the form that is given in the e-sign directory is quite complicated and I am having issues figuring out what needs to be shoehorned and where. I could use an example of e-signing a form like the history form or the physical exam.
fsgl wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
Physical Exam is not on the list of Contributed Forms, so it must be one of yours.
I’ve no problem signing/locking my Eye forms (customized LBV), if that gives you a small hint.
teryhill wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
Physical exam is an old form (4.1.2) It was removed from the contrib folder recently. The LBV’s have the code built in to e-sign them.
fsgl wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
Are you able to copy & paste from LBV directory or to use it as a template?
teryhill wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
As a stop gap i am creating a LBV for it But I will have to figure out how to code for the e-signing. Trying to fix the customer first.
yehster wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
The eSign code makes an assumption about the table name for forms. One reason for eSign failure is when this assumption is incorrect.
teryhill wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
Even when the correction is made to the history form (per the wiki) the form will still not e-sign. There needs to be some code added to the form as best I can tell.
tmccormi wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
The design had to make some assumptions, base on the core default forms.
It’s assumed the class would be extended to support other Form
implementations as needed by the developer.
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teryhill wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
Thanks. But what about the forms that are included with the package.
fsgl wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
E-sign debuted on 12/28/14 by which time Art Eaton had finished house cleaning.
It’s possible that because Physical Exam was not carried over, it never got the e-sign treatment.
yehster wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
Although no error message is reported directly to the browser when eSign fails, an error that a SQL query failed might be present in the Apache logs.
Also, the browser console might have details of the failed eSign AJAX call.
teryhill wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
I have some time to work on this now. Here is the error from the log file.
SQL Error with statement:query failed: SELECT * FROM form_physical_exam WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1–Unknown column ‘id’ in ‘where clause’==>C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\library\ESign\Form\Signable.php at 127:sqlQuery
yehster wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
The eSign library assumes that the primary key for all forms is named id
However the physical exam form uses form_id as the primary key.
That’s the root cause of the error.
yehster wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
What did you change? did you modify the signable class to work with form_id as the column? Or did you change the physical_exam form to use id as it’s primary key?
yehster wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
The Physical Exam form is NOT a contrib form. By default it’s installed in the forms directory but not registered.
teryhill wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
I changed the physical exam form to comply with the software. I changed form_id in the file and the programs to id.
From: Kevin Yeh yehster@users.sf.net
To: [openemr:discussion] 202506@discussion.openemr.p.re.sf.net
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 4:12 PM
Subject: [openemr:discussion] Re: forms will not e-sign
What did you change? did you modify the signable class to work with form_id as the column? Or did you change the physical_exam form to use id as it’s primary key?
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fsgl wrote on Friday, April 10, 2015:
Indeed, Physical Exam is in Forms Administration.
What’s more evident is a deficiency of 家教.