dlee5400 wrote on Saturday, February 06, 2010:
I have a basic question… I under stand the “Nickname” option but what is the Priority and Category options used for?
dlee5400 wrote on Saturday, February 06, 2010:
I have a basic question… I under stand the “Nickname” option but what is the Priority and Category options used for?
tmccormi wrote on Saturday, February 06, 2010:
Category lets you group the forms into separate sections, I typically use ‘Clinical’, 'Coding/Billing" and sometime ‘Other’ for special use forms.
The priority defines what order they show up on the category pull down list. That is so you can put them in work flow order. You could also break of the forms by Role, IE: Medical Assitant, Nurse, Physician, Coder …
dlee5400 wrote on Saturday, February 06, 2010:
So on the tree menu should the “work flow” or “priority” column sort the forms? If so than i don’t see that working so far…
bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, February 09, 2010:
Doesn’t effect ordering/categorization in the tree menu. It effects ordering/categorization when selecting forms from the encounter screen.
dlee5400 wrote on Tuesday, February 09, 2010:
Is there a process to control how the tree menu displays the forms? Or is that something i need to modify in the code?
bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, February 10, 2010:
Doesn’t appear to be ordered in the source there. Search for string “Visit Forms” in openemr/interface/main/left_nav.php to see the code.
dlee5400 wrote on Wednesday, February 10, 2010:
Ok the change go in the registry.inc file. I changed the “group by” clause to match the
“new_form.php” file. Let me know if this will make it into 3.2 or will i need to add it.
function getRegistered ( $state="1", $limit="unlimited", $offset="0")
$sql = "select * from registry where state like \"$state\" order by category, priority";
if ($limit != "unlimited")
$sql .= " limit $limit, $offset";
$res = sqlStatement($sql);
if ($res)
for($iter=0; $row=sqlFetchArray($res); $iter++)
$all[$iter] = $row;
return false;
return $all;
dlee5400 wrote on Wednesday, February 10, 2010:
sorry the “order by” clause was changed!! - Is there a way of deleting an entry and re-posting (provided I own the entry?)
bradymiller wrote on Thursday, February 11, 2010:
don’t worry about it. see my other comment on creating patches.