Form duplicity problem

teevee70 wrote on Monday, June 08, 2015:

Hello colleagues,
after upgrade to 4.2.0 and last patch 3 application I accidentally found duplicity of GraphicalPain map form in the form administration .One of these forms is registered only but database is not installed. Can you advice me how solve this problem ?
thank you Tomas

fsgl wrote on Monday, June 08, 2015:

If the first form is not working, disable it. Register, enable the second form & add Category.

If problem persists, see this. If you have to drop the table, remember to backup first.

To reinstall form, see this.

blankev wrote on Monday, June 08, 2015:

So, … this is an option great thing to know. In your case: Delete the second painmap in …/folder.

My solution is to keep it, Rename it in something understandable and have my close-up graphic to show what I want next to the general pain map…

This brings for me a long wanted feature in place. I will rename the Pain folder in something like Pain-CU (Pain close-up) And I can put the Face Close-Up Whatever graphic in Pain-CU) for pain registration of the face… but what about the Database.

Developers: Will Pain mapping know know where to find the different Graphics with the pointers? Given the fact Painmap has different names during installation.

I have to refresh my memory on how to change the graphic, but that is the easiest part. I have to give it a try when there is some time left to experiment. As soon as I have it in place I will update on this.
For the Eye doctors there could have a close-up of the left and close-up of the right eye and a general graphic of the face and body… endless possibilities. If this works the more I write the more enthousiastic I become. I let you know if it works an how to change the graphic.

fsgl wrote on Monday, June 08, 2015:

Describing pain in Ophthalmology is super easy.

Onset, duration, location, quality & intensity (1+ to 4+). All done in one sentence, so no need for map/.jpeg.

We don’t worry about anything below the neck because the body is only there to hold up the eyes.

teevee70 wrote on Monday, June 08, 2015:

Thank you for your response,
I have no second painmap folder there. Therefore it is for me strange.There are also another conseqencies. Graphical pain map appears two times as a choice in report generator. Situation persist after form_painmap table dropping also.
So for me will be safer to start with brand new database again. Because my knowledge od MYSQL administration is not good.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, June 09, 2015:

Go to Administration => Other => Database

In Database go to: form_painmap

Since one painmap form has a database and the other still has to create and initiate the Database it could be you will find to tables called form_painmap delete the latest (look for the date)

Go to Registry and Delete the line with painmap there are probably two lines with the same name delete the latest. (DROP)

In the worst case scenario you have to install the Pain folder again. And yes the easiest thing to do is clean the OpenEMR directory and do a re-install.

If you still want to look for the Duplicate in your Local file system you go to:

… openemr/interface/forms

If there are two PainMaps delete one. If there is only one painmap. Leave it as is.