For unbilled encounter where we search the insurance company and x12 partner id

Hi @All,

Where we can search insurance company and x12 partner id for unbilled encounter. When I am searching billing table some time there was no data gone to payer_id and x12_partner_id.

Can any one please help me.


hi @Nilesh_Hake, the encounter has to first be billed to an insco/x12 partner for the billing table to be populated with payer_id and x12_partner_id.

so the billing report script needs some work to add the ability to search those empty entries where the patient’s insurance company can be evaluated

@stephenwaite Thanks for response, means for insurance company for empty data we need to search in insurance_data table and if x12 partner id is missing then it need to search into insurance_companies with x12_default_partner_id column.

Is that correct ?

right, or look into populating those values when the fee sheet is saved

Ok Thanks @stephenwaite means this bug for fee sheet right?
If that I will create the PR for same on git OpenEMR.

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