There is only one colomn in DB_Table(AR_activity) for followup note, If there is subsequent notes, is it getting added to the old Notes itself, Can we have multiple followup note coloums? Also, How to add this followup note from UI?
Followup and Followup Reason appear only in the Batch Payment Module (Fees >Batch Payments). See attachment.
Both can be edited if the remittance has been located.
There has never been a reason to use either and their purpose eludes me.
There is this form as well. The Followup Form is a note to document a visit after the initial visit, which would be billed separately. The linkage is in name only and not by way of function.
To enter a note about subsequent visits, one would use the above cited form or something analogous. One would not use Batch Payment to enter a followup visit.
The only other thing that comes to mind is the followup period or the global period for post-operative care, wherein Medicare does not usually pay for additional services. There is no reason to charge for something that is not reimbursable.
12/22/13 Edit:
In the following video, Shameen Hameed cursorily noted at 4:22 that these 2 fields provide staff a means of documenting a problematic claim; for example, if the insurance company paid an incorrect amount, for which a followup phone call will be necessary.
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