Florida Blue Cross Claims rejecting on OpenEMR 6

Florida Blue Claims Rejected

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 6

I’m using:FF87

Operating System
I’m using: Ubuntu 18.04

Did you check the logs? Yes
Was there anything pertinent in them? No

We go through this whenever there is a new version of the php file that generates X12 claims.

Up to version 5 and prior, the gen_x12_837.inc.php file did the work.
In version 5 it was removed and its replacement has been relocated.

The X12501837P.php file replaced the gen_x12_837.inc.php in version 5.
For those of us here in Florida, the custom code must be inserted starting on line 99.
The new file is located in /openemr/src/billing

Insert this code after the } else { on line 98

$billingFacilityName = substr($claim->billingFacilityName(), 0, 60);
if ($billingFacilityName == ‘’) {
$log .= “*** billing facility name in 1000A loop is empty\n”;
$out .= “NM1” .
" . “41” .
” . “2” .
" . $billingFacilityName .
” .
" .
” .
" .
” . “46”;
if ($claim->payerID() == “00590”) {
$out .= “" . “G07IL”;
} else {
$out .= "
” . $claim->billingFacilityETIN();
$out .= “~\n”;


NOTE: The original file should resume at line 121 with
$out .= “PER” . //Loop 1000A Submitter EDI contact information

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