Florida Blue Claims Rejected
OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 6
I’m using:FF87
Operating System
I’m using: Ubuntu 18.04
Did you check the logs? Yes
Was there anything pertinent in them? No
We go through this whenever there is a new version of the php file that generates X12 claims.
Up to version 5 and prior, the file did the work.
In version 5 it was removed and its replacement has been relocated.
The X12501837P.php file replaced the in version 5.
For those of us here in Florida, the custom code must be inserted starting on line 99.
The new file is located in /openemr/src/billing
Insert this code after the } else { on line 98
$billingFacilityName = substr($claim->billingFacilityName(), 0, 60);
if ($billingFacilityName == ‘’) {
$log .= “*** billing facility name in 1000A loop is empty\n”;
$out .= “NM1” .
“" . “41” .
"” . “2” .
“" . $billingFacilityName .
"” .
“" .
"” .
“" .
"” . “46”;
if ($claim->payerID() == “00590”) {
$out .= “" . “G07IL”;
} else {
$out .= "” . $claim->billingFacilityETIN();
$out .= “~\n”;
NOTE: The original file should resume at line 121 with
$out .= “PER” . //Loop 1000A Submitter EDI contact information