ideaman911 wrote on Thursday, March 19, 2009:
There have been a number of problems discovered for which CVS updates are being posted continually. As a Windows guy, I’d be the last to suggest that Bill Gates didn’t set an “anchor” date for a release, fixed or not. It is in the nature of software that it is almost never “right”.
But we need to recognize that every new "user" who hits snags will potentially be one less enthusiast for our cause. And OUR cause should be to make OpenEMR THE low-cost standard for Medical Practice Management, whatever platform is being used.
I think we need to post notice with the downloads that they are preliminary release, or BETA, with a defined expected “Fix” release date planned, as well as the “how to see what’s being worked on via CVS” instructions for those who want to learn. VERY few of us potential users will ever even TRY to edit the software, and asking the rest to swap out a CVS is wishful thinking I believe.
I am happy to do my part, as I have been, but converting my REAL data to 3.0 from 2.9.1dev is a ways off based on the problems indicated so far. Can we project a "Fix" date, and then work toward the best possible at that time, but try to test as much as possible by then as well?
Joe Holzer