Fine tuning delete capabilities for clinical users

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, July 24, 2013:

Thanks, Brady, for helping out.

Stephen will need to figure out how to create another Access Control Object, i.e., Superuser Lite, to remove the code for the patient delection button, without affecting the ability of the Administrator to do so.

cmswest wrote on Thursday, July 25, 2013:

Thanks for all of the assistance and code references. I’ll be glad to look into the acl settings.

A separate discussion that has come up in this thread regards the filtering of inactive medications from the printable report. I will work on this so it will be less tedious for the users by improving the check all features and by adding inactive toggling under the aforementioned report.

markthepharaoh wrote on Wednesday, January 01, 2014:

Hi Tony,
Happy New Year. I was entering an Interval in Admin>lists>Clinical Rules Reminder Intervals and I deleted this list by error. Where is the deleting items log and how I can restore it. Thanks.

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, January 01, 2014:

Not Tony.

->Administration->Lists, click New List & copy fields in attachment.