Find Patient Functiontality ... Question

tekknogenius wrote on Monday, April 04, 2005:

In prior releases, clicking on "Find Patient" from the main screen upper left area would produce a list of all patients if the field was blank/null. Now one must put something in the field otherwise nothing comes up. Was there a reason this was changed, or was it broken and now it is fixed?

drbowen wrote on Monday, April 04, 2005:


If you have a lot of patients, this query takes a very long  time, uses a lot of server resources, slows everybody down and produces a not very useful result. 

I am glad that this was changed.

tekknogenius wrote on Tuesday, April 05, 2005:

OK. But, it should only do a "full" query if the field was null, otherwise it should only return what you typed in. Was that not the case?

andres_paglayan wrote on Tuesday, April 05, 2005:

I commited that change as a quick fix since the searching engine does something very weird and recursive at this moment, I’ll fix it some day.
we have 20k patients, and it hangs apache for a long time when you click search with an empty field, even running on 1gig ram, at 1.8mhz
A well built SQL query shouldn’t do that.

emilykillian wrote on Tuesday, April 05, 2005:

While we’re on the topic of that search, how difficult would it be to add a first name search?