juggernautsei wrote on Saturday, April 07, 2012:
I have this happening in a couple of installs. I am sure it has some thing to do with the database but not sure what.
I have used the debug and found this error.
document.forms.form_provider is undefined
s = document.forms.form_provider.value; add_ed…catid=0 (line 292)
It referred me here:
// (CHEMED) Conditional value selection, because there is no <select> element
// when making an appointment for a specific provider
var s = document.forms.form_provider;
var f = document.forms.facility;
s = document.forms.form_provider.value;
f = document.forms.facility.value;
var c = document.forms.form_category;
var formDate = document.forms.form_date;
dlgopen(‘find_appt_popup.php?providerid=’ + s +
‘&catid=’ + c.options.value +
‘&facility=’ + f +
‘&startdate=’ + formDate.value, ‘_blank’, 500, 400);
//END (CHEMED) modifications
What is suppose to be found from which table? Just need some confirmation am on the right track.