Filter by Provider NPI

papin0 wrote on Friday, August 22, 2014:

when filtering by the provider (provider npi) name or last name shows no results unless i filter by the userid which is a pain to go look the userid since we create a lot of users almost everyday.
which file i need to modify to accomplish the provider (provider npi) filtering by fname or lname.


papin0 wrote on Friday, August 22, 2014:

Please helpppppppp!

blankev wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

What do you exactly mean by “We create a lot of USERS almost every day”.

USER like in Contact persons to refer to or like providers. How can "many Provides keep on coming or are you hosting for a Country filled by doctors.

Please explain.

There is something like import CSV and SQL files.

The picture you show is for searching “patients” seen by a provider or having a Name etc… Patients have no NPI number.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

Login screen for attached.

papin0 wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

we would like to search how many patients are assigned to a specific provider.
we work with ot, pt, st therapists, licensed counselors and psychiatrists

toddjones wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

What country are you located in? I also provide services for PT,OT, Speech

papin0 wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

why u attached this pic?

papin0 wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:


toddjones wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

Send me an email offline I would like to ask u a few questions if I don’t mind

Sent from my iPhone
Please excuse typos

On Aug 23, 2014, at 9:21 AM, Jose wrote:


Filter by Provider NPI

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blankev wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

The only option I can find is Reports => Clients => List => Select Provider and see what the chosen Provider has done with what clients. If you want to use the NPI of the Provider you need to do some Development. Have to change the pin of the provider into the Database field of NPI Somewhere within the sorting array or Database query.

Report Client List, => you have to select Providers, one by one. Or do some extra Development, to show the Developer NPI of pid

You can download CSV files and these can be handled by most spreadsheet software. If you do this once a month it is not such a bad solution.

What you tried to do in your pic, is the other way around. Select the provider and see how many patients respond to this filter. But than you can’t filter with a certain time-span. The problem is you only can select by one patient a time and that indeed is a real disadvantage. Your arrow starts at the Patient select window, and that is what it does.

Lower left menu window is for CLIENT SEARCHING. Select a patient, fulfilling the filter requirements.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

Screenshot attached in response to Pieter’s question.

papin0 wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:


blankev wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:


can you show me the steps how to find the PROVIDER ID? Followed by the “PROVIDER show Patients seen”? I can’t replicate your findings.