Filler.php not found

toledomed wrote on Thursday, June 09, 2011:

Hi everyone,
I have installed OpenEMR 4.0 with Patch 2 onto a Godaddy linux-based shared hosting server running PHP 5.x and mySQL 5.0. my problem is that upon a fresh clean install of OpenEMR, it sets up the database no problem, and all the setup checks pass with flying colors. However, when it takes me to login to OpenEMR for the first time, it says

“The requested URL /interface/login/filler.php was not found on this server.”

Since it is shared hosting I thought perhaps somewhere in OpenEMR’s configs it needed to be told that it wasn’t stored at the root of the server (e.g. give it the absolute hosting path) Not sure what to do from here or where the problem is.

Any thoughts or suggestions on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


brontobp wrote on Friday, July 08, 2011:

While I’m relieved that everyone is experiencing this issue with a host, this is a definite problem - hopefully someone can help us solve this.

penguin8r wrote on Tuesday, July 12, 2011:

by default, OpenEMR tries to determine it’s own web root directory.  If something in the shared hosting setup interferes with that, you may need to edit the /openemr/interface/globals.php & ensure that the variables for $webserver_root & $web_root are forced to the correct values.  This might require that you contact tech support at the hosting provider to verify the true directory paths.