Which file to modify to stylise the email sent out by patient reminder? I mean the emails which are send when we run the Administration -> patient reminders -> Process and Send Reminders.
There appears to be a “placemaker” feature for this (ie. most of the pieces are there, but not yet fully completed). Note the sql column in rule_action_item sql table called reminder_message. Can actually even edit this field in the Rules GUI when editing a Action in the “Message” field. The only issue is that, the message is not being used in the code linked in my above post. So, to get it to work would need to do two things at the code linked above:
query the action item in rule_action_item table with $reminder[‘category’] and $reminder[‘item’] to see if there is a reminder_message for the action item.
If there is a reminder_message, then use this in the email message.