File extensions for VM Player OpenEMR-3-2-0-a

niviongo wrote on Monday, April 05, 2010:

I can not open/install OpenEMR-3-2-0-appliance-1 whose file extensions are VMDK, while the file extensions given in the instructions are VMX. Could this be the reason for this failure?

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:


Have you installed the VMware Player?

Then you simply open the .VMX file with the VMware Player. (Not the .VMDK files)

let me know if still havnig problems,

naquino wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:

First let me thank you for all you have done for medicine, patients and doctors in the open source area. As a Professor of Medicine I have a big influence in MD graduates an emphasize open source in my teachings. I would also like to help translation into Spanish because the one available have many disparities with Spanish and it even does not convey the correct English meaning, for this you have to give access to Gdocs spreadsheet. The VM in Spanish will give me more power to push Openemr not only for newly graduates, but also for my peers

The VM Player was installed from before, so I asked to CREATE and it automatically detected XP as OS and sent them to desktop as I asked but then, hell broke loose:
1.-The 10 files were duplicated (got 20) plus 5 more with different extensions than vmdk (Have screenshots of them but ignore how to send it to you), This probably happened because I partitioned the VM “Drive” in 2.
2.-Despite recognizing the OS XP, the VM said to install OS since it did not find one Window XP (have screenshot of that too)
3.-Lastly VMware file in clipboard has description of processes. Is about 40-45 pages in neat database like format.
If you would like to see these files, screenshots, clipboard, please tell me where to emaile them.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:

two issues:

1) Spanish translation. I’d be happy to set you up with modification privileges to the google trasnlation spreadsheet. Get a google account and email me your email address at

2) On the VM Player, start over and follow below instructions:
-Install Vmware Player (if already done then skip)
-download and unpackage the file
-Double click the OpenEMR-3-2-0-appliance-1.vmx file (or open it within Vmware Player)
-Click ‘Create’ or ‘I moved it’ (this depends on vmware player version)
-Wait awhile as the Appliance loads up

The appliance is now running. It will show a screen now similar to below:

The screen (similar to above screenshot) will give you information to connect to and administer the appliance.

A full Appliance User Manual can be found here:

Let me know if it works. If not, feel free to send files/screenshots to


niviongo wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:

My unzipped does not have this file OpenEMR-3-2-0-appliance-1.vmx

All the 10 files from OpenEMR-3-2-0-appliance-1.vmdk. None of them is vmx

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:

Your windows may be hiding the ending (if the .vmx got associated with Vmware Player during install). Is there any file without an ending within the directory? (ie. just  OpenEMR-3-2-0-appliance-1) if so, double click that.
let me know how it goes,