Field Labels on Demographic on Patient Name

jojohit wrote on Friday, January 20, 2012:

Has anybody seen this ?

John D. Doe shows Mr.First:JohnMiddle:DLast:Doe in the Demographics Who section.

Does anybody have any idea what is going on ? Please help.



jojohit wrote on Friday, January 20, 2012:

In the broken test site v.4.1 patch 6 the source code shows:


In the non-broken test site v.4.1.patch 5 the source code shows:

  Mr. John A Doe

Both sites are on the same LAMP server.

jojohit wrote on Friday, January 20, 2012:

I found my issue - I got too exotic and placed labels on the Demographics layout. Removing the labels made it look nice at the Who tab in Demographics.