Field comments in tables

mark500 wrote on Sunday, January 04, 2015:

Greetings and Happy New Year to one and all!

I was pleasantly surprised to see some fields in some MySQL tables annotated. However, there are some that baffle me, as they point to something that appears not to exist - any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

Table rule_filter
Field method - ‘Maps to list_options list rule_filters’,
Field method_detail ‘Maps to list_options lists rule__intervals’,

So… I look at the table list_options and no such fields exist there.

To what are comments like that pointing?


fsgl wrote on Sunday, January 04, 2015:

The references may be to Clinical Rule Filter Methods & Clinical Rules Reminder Intervals in Administration/Lists, rather than to tables or columns in the database.

cmswest wrote on Sunday, January 04, 2015:

They are entries in the list options table using the list_id field.

visolveemr wrote on Monday, January 05, 2015:

Hello Mark

As Stephen said, “method” field’s list maps to the list_options table (By list_id=‘rule_filters’). And the corresponding option_id value (in list_options) will be stored as a reference in the rule_filter table’s “method” field.

And similarly some of the options in “method_detail” field maps to the list_options table (By list_id =‘rule_age_intervals’).

OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library

mark500 wrote on Tuesday, January 06, 2015:

Thanks, fsgl, Stepehn Waite and VSolve!