FeeSheet - CPT codes

erealgroup wrote on Sunday, November 22, 2009:

Hi all… I am trying to add CPT Codes to the drop down menu in the Fee sheet.  I see there is 2 different ways of doing it.

1. Through the Admin >List >Fee sheet.
2. Admin >Services

Because I want to add price levels I went with option 2.  

So, I added Price levels (Standard and Medicare), I have created a category so I can group the codes and I have added modifiers. Everything looks fine on this page (services). When I go to the fee sheet and select from the drop down any of the CPT codes that I just worked on the modifiers, pricing and descpition does not show.

The desciption shows on the dropdown, but not when selected.  what I get is
Type- CPT4
Code- 94250
Mod- blank
Price- blank  
Justify- dropdown
Auth- checked
Delete- unchecked
Description- blank

Any ideas?

ideaman911 wrote on Tuesday, November 24, 2009:

Please see my writeup for using the Fee Sheet and preparing the codes in the Superbill (Services in the Tree View) - you can find it at


I am pretty sure that will answer most of your specific questions and help you to easily migrate what you want from the Services codes to the Issues listing dropdown.  I would also suggest you make a formal Tracker request for the direct rollover of the codes to that listing without needing the intermediary of the clickoptions.txt - I have asked, but user requests carry more weight.  Let us know how you make out.  Thanks.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241     im@holzerent.com

erealgroup wrote on Wednesday, November 25, 2009:

Hi Joe,  thanks for the reply

I am more concerned that the fees are not rolling over from the Superbill tab to the FeeSheet.  Any Idea?

tmccormi wrote on Friday, November 27, 2009:

Selvi at Visolve has a fix for this she should be posting soon.


bradymiller wrote on Friday, November 27, 2009:


If this is a known bug, let’s put it in the bug tracker here, so we don’t lose track of it.


visolveemr wrote on Saturday, November 28, 2009:


I’ve placed the bug and the fix in the bug-tracker.


Hope this helps.

visolveemr wrote on Saturday, November 28, 2009:

Hi Philip,

Let us know if the above patch resolves your issue.


ViCare Team

erealgroup wrote on Tuesday, December 01, 2009:

thanks, I am upgrading from 3.01 to 3.1 to try the patch and I will let you know if it works.

- Phillip

ideaman911 wrote on Wednesday, December 02, 2009:

If the patch works, can Brady add it to the next (#5) patch for 3.1.0?

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241     im@holzerent.com

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, December 02, 2009:


Just waiting for somebody to say it works.


erealgroup wrote on Thursday, December 03, 2009:

yes, this patched worked perfect!   Thanks for your help.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, December 05, 2009:


Committed this patch to cvs and 3.1.0 branch. Will also include in next 3.1.0 patch.


advancedmedical wrote on Sunday, December 06, 2009:

I really new here and really need your step by step guide; I installed the OpenEMR 3.1 on Ubuntu 9.1; I have been testing Open EMR for several days already; i read almost all of the comments in this forum about the ICD code, also read from ideaman911 and his PDF, great work, but can not figure out what would be the easier way to copy and paste with excel, the latest ICD code, for example from the American Academy of FP. I would like to copy most of the short list from AAFP ICD code.
Please someone help me with this because my ICD data is blank right now.

ideaman911 wrote on Wednesday, December 09, 2009:


Sorry I cannot help you more because I loaded all my codes into the Superbill (Admin - Services) manually.  But it looks like you are not alone in looking for a more automated method, based on Brady’s feature request in the tracker.  Your specific request, though, seems to be for a different listing from that found at the icd9data.com site, so I do not believe the plx loader would work without a lot of mods.  Why would you NOT use the icd9data site?  What advantage do you feel you get from the AAFP site?

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241     im@holzerent.com

advancedmedical wrote on Wednesday, December 09, 2009:

I actually tried to use the icd9data.com and has not been successful doing that neither; then i thought that if i could just simply create a data base from the aafp or from the icd9data and import to openemr; but seemed like i get all the info and idea wrong;
there was some instructions as of to how to have the icd9data process directly by the load_icd9_desc.plx

I read the forum and you also provided help to many users here; really appreciated;

I really new at this openEmr; is there a way that you can teach me  : slowly: step by step of how to use the icd9data.com to the load_icd9_desc.plx

i believed that you also created aPDF for beginner and went through it already;

please let’s me know at advancedmedicalclinic@gmail.com

ideaman911 wrote on Thursday, December 10, 2009:


I’d like to help with this since I myself have not done the autoload from the icd9data.com site using the plx file.  But any instructions I would develop will be specific for Windows.  This is the kind of thing where Windows vs Linux is REAL different for OpenEMR.  So before I look too foolish, please confirm what OS you are using, and what download you used to setup your OpenEMR.  Thanks.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241     im@holzerent.com

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, December 10, 2009:


  Getting this figured out would be very useful. Once you figure it out, we could then ensure the next XAMPP-OpenEMR release has the needed perl modules already included.


bradymiller wrote on Friday, December 11, 2009:


Here’s a recent thread that relates to this also:

I’ve re-directed them here, but it does appear that xampp perl will need some additional perl libraries (the top of the icd9 script lists the perl libraries it requires).


  : http://sourceforge.net/projects/openemr/forums/forum/202506/topic/3485207/index/page/1

ideaman911 wrote on Friday, December 11, 2009:


You can see comments about my idea for a batch to execute in the Users forum.  But it looks like there are similar needs for all the various plx files for HCPCS, CPT, CMS, FDA, etc. as well (although they have not been updated recently).

I presume from your response that I should plan to put the ActivePerl stuff in the …/perl/bin/ location, so they can be used for all.  I will try that out.  The batch could then be a model for all those plx files, and would be small enough to allow us to make them part of the distribution as well.  I am not familiar with perl, though it seems to have similarities with other scripts.  Do you know if we could simply use an “include” statement which calls the sqlconf.php to get variables for the dbase?  That would seem the smartest way instead of requiring manual substitutions?

Anybody out there know Perl well?

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241     im@holzerent.com

advancedmedical wrote on Friday, December 11, 2009:

Joe, brady
First I just want to send the appreciations for  the challenging task that all of you are taking;

I was using ubuntu but now using Windows , i downloaded the latest OpenEMR, and had applied all the latest patches;