Fee Sheet 'Save Current' bug with workaround

In case anybody else is seeing this, a problem was reported to me with the Fee Sheet ‘save current’ button.
It was originally seen with Chrome browser in a production 5.0.1(2) site then confirmed in that system and also on OpenEMR demo c using firefox quantum 59.0.2 (64bit)

Have seen in the fee sheet that if a line item is deleted then the ‘Save Current’ button is used, the deleted line’s information (price etc) is inserted in the next line’s price, and that next line is lined out and its ‘Delete’ checkbox is selected. If at that point the ‘Save’ button is clicked, that line will also be deleted.

The workaround is to not use the ‘Save Current’ button, which does allow the fee sheet buttons to function as they did in previous OpenEMR releases